Salvation is God’s greatest gift to man which was provided to us by Christ Jesus. God sent Christ so that men would be saved from their sins and live in peace. The peace that comes with salvation is knowing that your salvation is assured and it will hold until the Day of Judgment. ASSURANCE – confidence of mind or manner : easy freedom from self-doubt or uncertainty; also : excessive self-confidence. Christians need to remain confident, understanding that they can walk free from doubt or uncertainty in their walk with Christ. The word of God helps us to maintain assurance in our salvation. As the Christian lives accordingly, he never has to doubt his eternal destiny. In this post, we want to give seven signs and/or assurances (by the scriptures) of a Christian’s salvation. 1. Those who believe on Him are promised eternal life. Though one has to live a Christ-like life, it is his initial faith that places him on the path to eternal life. And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall...
L.O.G.O.S. Apologetics
Committed to defending, equipping, and contending for the truth of the Christian faith.