In this first book of the logos apologetics series, we will trace the earliest manifestations of apologetics. We will examine the biblical record of apologetic expressions and emanations from the Garden throughout Jewish history. In addition, the development of apologetic groups within the Jewish community will be explicated. Moreover, apologetic personalities will be explored. It is our hope that the information presented will help the modern apologist operate in this ministry with a proper understanding and foundation.
In this second book of the logos apologetics series, we will examine the institution of apologetics in New Testament Christianity. We will investigate the biblical roots of apologetics beginning with Jesus. Moreover, we will explore how apologetic ministry manifested in the lives of the apostles. It is our prayer that you will appreciate the heritage of apologetics in the New Testament Church.
In this third book of the logos apologetics series, we will examine the early advancements of apologetics. A brief overview and analysis will be given of the councils and emerging doctrines contrary to Christian orthodoxy. It is our prayer that this information will strengthen the modern apologist.
In this fourth book of the logos apologetics series, we will examine the practical demonstrations of apologetics in 21st Century Christian church. We will examine the functions which characterize the apologetic ministry and discipline. In addition, we will address, in brief, modern day doctrines which oppose traditional Christian orthodoxy.
In this fifth book of the logos apologetics series, we will examine practical insights for continuous development of the apologist’s ministry. In addition, we will revisit the foundational creeds which should fortify the apologist’s ministry. We will also explore modern considerations for engaging in apologetic ministry presently.
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