Wolves in Sheep's Clothing (Entry 2): Eight Ministerial Activities of False Teachers, Prophets, and Ministers
Recognizing a false prophet or minister can be daunting at times. However, the Bible gives us clear guidelines as to how to identify someone who is misrepresenting God for their own purposes. It is imperative that we are able to recognize the activities of any false minister (or layman). Jesus warned His disciples about false ministers who would come (Matthew 7:15-20). One true way to recognize false ministers is by the fruit that they bear. Fruit refers to their lifestyles and not their ministries. Moreover, not everyone that is false calls himself an apostle or prophet. Though false prophets exist, there are also false evangelists, pastors, and teachers. In our last post, we discussed the character traits of false ministers. In this present post, we will look more closely at their activities in particular. Regardless of the title that a false minister has, he (or she) will exhibit some, if not all, ...