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Wolves in Sheep's Clothing (Entry 1): Six Character Traits of False Teachers, Prophets, and Ministers

  Both testaments abound with warning and admonitions to aid those who would serve God to recognize those who were false. Outside of tainted ministerial activities, false ministers can be identified by their character. As the apostles warned the Church of false ministers, they identified certain character traits. If believers are to stand against the false, they have to see them before they are given the opportunity to preach and minister in the Church. In this post, we will discuss the character traits of false ministers. But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you. (II Peter 2:1a)           False Ministers are fleshly. False ministers will preach, teach, minister, and even prophesy. Their ministries may seem powerful, but their personal lives will be filled with discrepancies. Sin and carnality in their lives will be evident. In addition, they will twist scriptures to justify their error. ...

The Only Way to Eternal Salvation

            Since its conception, Christianity has been the object of ridicule and rejection. Compounding its opposition, is the consistent refusal of individuals to accept God’s plan of salvation which only comes through Jesus Christ. The world wants to make salvation confusing and complicated in order to be relieved of God’s command to repent and serve Him. So, Christians now are seen as arrogant and ignorant when they declare that Jesus Christ is the only way to receive God’s salvation. And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: Acts 17:30 (KJV).          The above verse is from Paul’s acclaimed sermon to the idol worshippers on Mars Hill. In his discourse, Paul was speaking to a group of people who had all forms of idols and gods that they paid homage to. In their efforts to not overlook any deity, they had an altar built to the UNKNOWN GOD. So, Paul tells them that...

On Overcoming Christian Shame: Standing Boldly for the Gospel

Since its earliest days, Christianity has been the object of ridicule and debate. The actions of those who called themselves Christians did not help with the world’s view of Christianity. History tells us of the Inquisition and past religious corruption all in the name of Christianity. Today, we see this trend of those associated with Christianity misrepresenting the name of Christ. Because of this, many are ashamed to call themselves Christians because of negative perceptions. Are you committed to Christ and willing to be identified with the faith? However, Christians have to take the same sentiment as Paul. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16 (KJV) Christians have been accused of being hypocrites, bible thumpers, spiritual elitists, and the like. However, anyone that is a true Christian understands these things not to be true. True Christians do not hat...

On Defending the Faith (Post 3): The Method of Christian Apologetics

       A common expression is, "There is a method to the madness." Though this expression is used to defend someone's unorthodox ways to accomplish certain tasks, it partially holds true for apologetics; namely, there is a method to defending the faith. In our first two posts, we briefly addressed the mandate and the mindset of apologetics, respectively. However, there is a method to do this from a biblical perspective. The method to apologetics does not begin in following prescribed steps, but in the internal approach of the one engaging in it. Continuing our examination of I Peter 3;15-16, we find these words, "...with meekness and fear:   Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ." (I Peter 3:15b-16)      Peter admonished the believers to be ready to defend the faith, but the method to be employed is meekness and fear. This means that...

On Defending the Faith (Post 2): The Mindset of Christian Apologetics

       Relativism is an established doctrine of today's society. Though there are those who hold to traditional values with respect to culture and religion, the global trend is to promote the idea of "personal truth." This means that what is true for one, may not be true for another: just live out your own truth. Because of this prevailing attitude toward faith and spirituality, the Christian must be spiritually and mentally prepared to engage in apologetics. The Christian must have the proper mindset while standing in defense of the faith. Continuing our examination of I Peter 3:15-16, we find that Peter gives us the proper mindset needed for effective apologetics. "...but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you..." (I Peter 3:15a)           As opposed to the generalized theism presented in society, the Christian has to have a pa...